News > AofA Website Relaunch
June 15, 2023 • Author: Benjamin Hackl • Tags: meta

AofA Website Relaunch

As you might have noticed, the website of our community has been fully redesigned to feature both a more modern and mobile-friendly interface, as well as a completely new “backend” (using Jekyll to generate static pages automatically from a version-controlled source repository).

A central idea behind the rework was the separation of data (like on our Events or Resources pages) from the layout that is used to render them. This makes it particularly easy for people interested in contributing material, as fiddling with html is not required; all the data is stored separately in yaml-files.

At the time of writing, not everything might look perfectly on all devices, some additional fine-tuning is still required (and an ongoing effort). In case you would like to provide feedback or suggestions, feel free to reach out via email!