- 2024
Habilitation in Mathematics
University of Klagenfurt
Thesis: On the algebraic and arithmetic structure of commutative rings
- 2012–2015
PhD program in Technical Mathematics (with distinction)
Graz University of Technology
Thesis: Integer-valued polynomials, Advisor: Prof. Sophie Frisch
- 2008–2012
Master program in Mathematical Computer Science (with distinction)
Graz University of Technology
Thesis: Trees and Centrality ("Mittelpunktseigenschaften von Bäumen"), Advisor: Prof. Rainer Burkard
- 2004–2008
Bachelor program in Technical Mathematics
Graz University of Technology
Thesis: Polynomially solvable special cases of Q(B)AP, Advisor: Prof. Rainer Burkard
- Carinthian Sponsorship Prize 2022 of the State Government of Carinthia
- for my scientific research
- Nomination for the Austrian national prize for excellent teaching (Ars Docendi) 2021
- for the teaching project: MATH!COMM -- Study mathematics in a digital community
- Josef-Krainer Sponsorship Prize 2016 of the Steirisches Gedenkwerk
- for my dissertation
- Doctoral School Award 2015 of the Doctoral School in Mathematics and Scientific Computing at University of Graz and Graz University of Technology
- for the publication Null ideals of matrices over residue class rings of principal ideal domains (Linear Algebra and its Applicatons)
Academic Positions
- since 2020
Senior Scientist
at the
Department of Mathematics and Department of Statistics,
University of Klagenfurt
- 2018–2020
Postdoc ("Postdoc-Assistentin")
at the
Department of Mathematics,
University of Klagenfurt
- winter 2018/19
Guest professorship
at the
Institute of Analysis and Number Theory,
Graz University of Technology
- 2015–2018
Postdoc ("Universitätsprojektassistentin")
at the
Institute of Analysis and Number Theory,
Graz University of Technology
- 2012–2015
Project assistant (doctoral candidate)
at the
Institute of Analysis and Number Theory,
Graz University of Technology
- 2006–2011
Teaching assistant
at the
Institute of Analysis and Number Theory,
Graz University of Technology
Non-academic employments and activities
- 2009–2012
Software developer for NXP Semiconductors Gratkorn
NXP Gratkorn
- 2007–2009
Voluntary work
Verein In!tiativ (association for children and adolescents with disabilities)
- 2006
Course lecturer
Future 2000 (preparation courses in mathematics for the university entrance exam)
- 2003–2004
European voluntary service in Vilnius, Lithuania
Bernardinų Neįgaliųjų
Bendruomenė (day center to support special people with special needs)
Grant applications and project administration
- Austrian Science Fund doc.funds doctoral school: Modeling–Analysis–Optimization of discrete, continuous, and stochastic systems (DOC 78)
- member of the coordinator team
- daily running and project administration
- organization of scientific events and summer schools
- first point of contact for the 14 doctoral students of the doctoral school
- thesis supervision
- Austrian Science Fund FWF standalone project: Analytic Combinatorics: Digits, Automata and Trees (P28466)
- associated project researcher
- project administration
- Austrian Science Fund FWF standalone project: Integer-valued polynomials on algebras (P30934)
- associated project researcher
- budget planning
- involvment in the scientific part of the proposal
- Austrian Science Fund FWF standalone project: Polynomials and polynomial functions on finite rings (P27816)
- associated project researcher
- involvment in the scientific part of the proposal
- project administration
- Austrian Science Fund FWF standalone project: Integer-valued polynomials (P23245)
- project researcher
- budget planning
- project administration
Scientific events
Co-organizer of the following events:
- Summer School on aspects of optimzation with three foci: discrete, continuous, and stochastic
- Summer school at University of Klagenfurt, September 12–16, 2022
- Analysis of Algorithms (AofA) 2021 (originally 2020)
- Conference at University of Klagenfurt, June 14–18, 2021
- Conference on Rings and Polynomials
- Conference at Graz University of Technology, July 3–8, 2016
- Conference on commutative rings, integer-valued polynomials and polynomial functions
- Conference at Graz University of Technology, December 19–22, 2012
- Mini-courses on commutative rings, integer-valued polynomials and polynomial functions
- Workshop at Graz University of Technology, December 16–18, 2012